INSTRUM® Precision Pressure Regulators
INSTRUM® is working successfully world-wide for more than 30 years in the development, construction and manufacturing of pressure regulators for tank blanketing and inerting. INSTRUM® pressure regulators can be generally used in liquids and gases, particularly in corrosion-proof applications. [columns ] [column size=”1/2″] Very high kv-values related to the size of the regulator Therefore also very […]
INSTRUM® Pressure regulators for corrosive applications
INSTRUM® is working successfully world-wide for more than 30 years in the development, construction and manufacturing of pressure regulators for tank blanketing and inerting. INSTRUM® pressure regulators can be generally used in liquids and gases, particularly in corrosion-proof applications. [columns] [column size=”1/2″] Low pressure regulators and back pressure regulators Highly resistant materials: Hastelloy, Tantalum, PP, PVDF […]
COMBIMASS® eco-bio+
[columns ] [column size=”1/2″] Thermal flow meter for direct measurement of normal volumetric or gas mass flows using integrated humidity correction Flow rate measurement unaffected by pressure and temperature For gas temperature up to 130°C and gas pressure up to 1,3 bar Pressure-proof dual compartment stainless steel enclosure or housing from aluminum Compact and rugged […]
[columns ] [column size=”1/2″] Thermal dispersion sensor for direct and very precise measurement of gas mass flow at standard conditions Gas flow data independent on gas pressure and temperature For gas temperatures up to 130 °C and gas pressure up to 40 bar Aluminium enclosure, excellent value for price Compact and rugged design for exceptional […]
Máy quan trắc nước online ChemScan® mini LowChlor
[columns ] [column size=”1/2″] The new single parameter in-line analyzer family from ASA Analytics utilizes years of ChemScan® experience and proven technology to provide reliable and accurate analysis of water and waste water. This device has been designed from the ground up to reduce maintenance requirements, includes large ID sample tubing to minimize plugging and […]
Máy quan trắc nước Online – Ammonia Analyzer
[columns ] [column size=”1/2″] The new single parameter in-line analyzer family from ASA Analytics utilizes years of ChemScan® experience and proven technology to provide reliable and accurate analysis of water and waste water. This device has been designed from the ground up to reduce maintenance requirements, includes large ID sample tubing to minimize plugging and […]
Máy quan trắc nước Online mini UV254
[columns ] [column size=”1/2″] The new single parameter in-line analyzer family from ASA Analytics utilizes years of ChemScan® experience and proven technology to provide reliable and accurate analysis of water and waste water. This device has been designed from the ground up to reduce maintenance requirements, includes large ID sample tubing to minimize plugging. [/column] [column […]
Máy quan trắc nước online ChemScan® mini oP – Ortho Phosphorus
[columns ] [column size=”1/2″] The new single parameter in-line analyzer family from ASA Analytics utilizes years of ChemScan® experience and proven technologyto provide reliable and accurate analysis of water and waste water. This device has been designed from the ground up to reduce maintenance requirements, includes large ID sample tubing to minimize plugging and only needs quarterly reagent change out..[/column] [column size=”1/2″][/column] [/columns] [columns ] […]
Máy quan trắc nước process online UV-6101
[columns ] [column size=”1/2″] PARAMETERS Any UV Absorbing Chemical Many Reagent Assisted Parameters Consult factory or catalog for specific parameters [/column] [column size=”1/2″][/column] [/columns] [columns ] [column size=”1/2″] CAPABILITIES Continuous, On-Line Automatic Monitoring of up to Eight Sample Lines Multiple Parameters Multiple Detection Ranges Multiple Data Output Capabilities Multiple Concentration Set Point Alarms Continual Self Diagnostics with […]
Máy quan trắc nước Process Online UV-4100
[columns ] [column size=”1/2″] PARAMETERS Ammonia (dissolved) Phosphate (Total Inorganic, Poly) Chlorine (Free, Total) Nitrate-Nitrite- % Transmittance [/column] [column size=”1/2″][/column] [/columns] [columns ] [column size=”1/2″] CAPABILITIES Continuous, On-Line, Automatic Monitoring of One or Two Sample Lines Up to Four Parameters Multiple Detection Ranges Multiple Data Output Capabilities Up to Eight Concentration Set Point Alarms Continual Self Diagnostics with […]