VACOMASS® Biology securely under control
When the biological stage of a sewage plant is undersupplied with oxygen, this will lead to process disruptions and consequently, the legally required limits for the effluent quality can be exceeded. However, if toomuch activation air is supplied, a significant increase energy is consumed, resulting in uneconomical operation of the sewage treatment plant.
Therefore, only a well-designed regulation of the air supply and distribution according to actual demand can ensure both a controlled and economical plant operation.

The modular VACOMASS® air supply and distribution system comprises several system components which are optimized for this application and matched to each other for precise measurement, control and distribution of activation air in sewage treatment plants.
VACOMASS® ensures, depending on the pollution level and oxygen requirement, that controlled air supply according to actual demand occurs in the various basins, zones and cascades of your plant.
VACOMASS® therefore guarantees
- Optimized degradation performance
- Avoidance of disruptions to plant operation
- Compliance with legally required limits in the discharge
- Economical operation of your sewage treatment plant
With VACOMASS® your biological stage is under control and energy consumption is significantly reduced.The modular design of the VACOMASS® measurement and control system operates on the building block principle. Depending on plant size, control concept and specific requirements, the system components of the VACOMASS®.
Product family can be supplied either individually or in combination with each other. The VACOMASS® system integration and precise calibration of the combined air flow measuring system in our CAMASS® flow calibration lab guarantees that all components fit to each other in a perfect manner ensuring highest precision for controlling the air supply.