As Biogas generally called, are all gases which result from microbial degradation of organic matters under anoxic conditions (under exclusion of oxygen). In addition to the classical biogas, there is also digester gas from sewage treatment plants as well as landfill gas, which results from fermentation of solid biomass/bio-waste, food leftovers, organic fertilizers, plant remains and energy crops.
- Robust portable biogas analyzer with standardized gas channels for CH4/CO2/O2/H2S, with very easy handling
- Portable analyzer can be used in the docking station “2-in1”-solution
- Portable analyzer can be taken out from the station for further portable measurements
- Flow meter can be connected to the SPC in the cabinet for flow correction if methane concentration will change in the process
- Special and individual modular analyzer systems for advanced requirements, high availability and easy service at site (solid waste fermentation, co-fermentation of waste and crops, gasification, gas2grid projects, composting plants)
Even operators of small size biogas plants use more and more portable biogas analyzer, in order to examine several times daily their gas composition and the main and post digester as well as in front of the CHP.
As long as the substrate composition does not change substantially, 2-3 daily measurements are surely sufficient during normal operation periods. However if substrate composition can change and/or if the biological process shall be continuously monitored, supervised and optimized, a stationary solution is preferred.
In addition, sometimes over the years the requirements of the operator may change. In this case, it is a nice idea to further use the existing portable analyzer and not everything need to be bought new. The docking station was developed especially as a „2-in-1-solution“. The biogas of different sampling points can be analyzed by putting the portable analyzer into the cabinet. Measuring cycles can be changed by the operator adapting to site requirements, without losing the flexibility of mobile measurements. The data can be stored in the very efficient internal memory of the portable instrument, measuring point-referred and be loaded using the USB interface to the PC. Servicing contracts with a stand-by spare device ensure an availability of 365 days throughout the year.
The docking station offers many possibilities of data storage and transmission (internal on USB stick, using analog signal 4-20 mA, profibus etc., remote access via internet or GSM/GPRS). When connecting the COMBIMASS® gas mass flow meter with the gas analysis devices, an improvement of the accuracy of the gas flow measurement is possible when gas composition changes over time. This happens automatically and without additional hardware/software to the SPS in the docking station and it is free of charge.
The analyzer station COMBIMASS® GA-s Click! is a completely modular system and thus represents a simple and yet very effective solution for the online fermentation gas analysis. It is a system developed for high reliability, easy maintenance at site by the operator and further possible expandabilities.
The station gas Click! permits the users a higher flexibility compared with conventional online gas analysis systems. In dry fermentation plants e.g. a “quick sampling” function can be added for the analysis of the straight open box.
A typical GA-s Click! cabinet contains all necessary components like various gas analysis modules, pump modules, filters and even single solenoid valves implemented in individual DIN rail modules. All basic maintenance work and replacement of gas cells can be accomplished locally by a qualified electrician or electronics engineer.