The application of AI in fire prevention and firefighting is considered a highlight at the 2024 International Exhibition on Fire Prevention and Rescue Equipment, Security, and Safety Protection. It also serves as a key focus at the international seminar on the application of new technology products in the field of fire prevention and rescue.
Taking place from August 14th to 16th in Ho Chi Minh City, the 2024 International Exhibition on Fire Prevention and Rescue Equipment, Security, and Safety Protection features participation from 350 units from 19 countries and territories, along with the attendance of numerous international delegations.
Lieutenant General Nguyen Tuan Anh, Director of the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department (C07 - Ministry of Public Security), stated that the event is a practical activity that enhances safety, protects the community, and holds significant importance in the context of profound global and Vietnamese changes, with potential risks of high-tech crimes, fires, explosions, and accidents.
"This is also an opportunity for specialized units both domestically and internationally to exchange information, share experiences, seek markets, and implement new technology, techniques, and solutions directly serving the work of ensuring security, safety, and social order," Lieutenant General Nguyen Tuan Anh emphasized.

The delegates experienced new equipment and technology in the field of fire prevention, firefighting, and rescue at the exhibition.
An innovative feature of this year's exhibition is the introduction of technology applications in fire prevention, firefighting, and rescue efforts, particularly the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in building design and construction. The event will also showcase various AI-powered devices, including robots designed for firefighting and rescue operations.
Within the framework of the exhibition, at the international seminar on the application of new technology products in the field of fire prevention and rescue, Colonel Nguyen Minh Khuong, Deputy Director of the Fire and Rescue Police Department (C07), emphasized that the Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to breakthroughs in the development of new materials that are resistant to fire, as well as numerous new firefighting agents, equipment, and technologies derived from nanotechnology. These firefighting agents are both environmentally friendly and highly effective in combating fires.
This revolution has also led to the creation of new-generation robots that support firefighting and rescue operations, enabling individuals and households to connect through information systems and technological devices. This connectivity facilitates the accessibility, study, and dissemination of fire prevention and rescue knowledge and skills, allowing for proactive prevention, early detection, and handling of fire, explosion, and accident incidents from the outset. As a result, it helps reduce the number of incidents and the damage caused by fires, explosions, and accidents.
"The application of information technology to early warning and detection systems for fire and explosion incidents also enables facilities and authorities to quickly carry out response and fire suppression activities," Colonel Nguyen Minh Khuong shared.
In recent times, many Vietnamese enterprises have rapidly adopted new technologies, including AI, in devices and early warning systems for fire and explosion incidents, and have developed new-generation robots to assist in fire prevention and rescue efforts.
For example, DPKT Technologies has applied AI thermal camera solutions for fire prevention and firefighting.
According to MSc. Quynh Nguyen, General Director of DPKT Technologies, their explosion-proof thermal cameras are designed to detect fire hazards early, with the ability to identify fires from a distance of up to 45 kilometers, thereby ensuring the safety of people and property.