• kien pham
  • Jun 18, 2024

On June 14, the Fire Prevention and Fighting University, in collaboration with DPKT Technical Development Service Trading Co., Ltd., organized a scientific seminar on "Explosion-proof electrical equipment in industrial and national energy projects".


Scientific Seminar on "Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment in Industrial and National Energy Projects."

  At the seminar, Lieutenant General, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Le Quang Bon, the President of the Fire Prevention and Fighting University, stated that the seminar aims to ensure the safety of people and property. Additionally, the seminar provides significant contributions by offering specific information and practical solutions, supporting the educational and training efforts of the Fire Prevention and Fighting University, as well as addressing the current development of the electrical industry. Currently, there are several issues related to explosion safety, such as some legal regulations not keeping pace with socio-economic development, and the effectiveness of fire and explosion prevention heavily relying on the zoning of explosion-prone areas. However, most industrial sectors lack specific guidelines on this zoning.        

Lieutenant General, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Le Quang Bon - President of the Fire Prevention and Fighting University.


The presentations at the seminar highlighted the current challenges in the design and selection of explosion-proof equipment in Vietnam, such as the lack of a national standard system and the shortage of specialized human resources. As a result, it is necessary to classify the explosion hazard levels for various projects and to raise awareness about fire and explosion safety.

Additionally, there were several proposed solutions, including the use and operation of electrical equipment in explosive hazard zones in industrial facilities and national energy projects. Another solution involved the use of new thermal camera technology in industries and environments prone to fire and explosions.


Delegates presented papers on explosion-proof electrical equipment to analyze, evaluate, and focus their discussions.


Ms. Nguyen Vu Quynh Nguyen, General Director of DPKT Technical Development Service Trading Co., Ltd., analyzed and evaluated explosion hazard environments and explosion safety in industry from two perspectives: the legal framework and international and Vietnamese technical standards.

Ms. Nguyen highlighted several existing challenges and difficulties in selecting explosion-proof equipment, which could lead to consequences such as difficulty in determining investment levels, legal compliance issues, and challenges in selecting appropriate technical solutions. She proposed solutions such as including requirements for the use of electrical and explosion-proof equipment in the new Fire Prevention and Fighting Law and supplementing relevant regulations, standards, and guidelines.


At the seminar, experts, investors, and representatives from various businesses engaged in discussions to address and clarify outstanding questions and concerns.

At the seminar, experts, investors, and business representatives engaged in discussions to clarify questions regarding the characteristics and functions of explosion-proof electrical products and equipment. They emphasized the importance of careful equipment selection and discussed the causes of fire and explosions. Additionally, they provided advice to investors on the design and construction of projects using explosion-proof electrical equipment.

Source: vovgiaothong.vn